Only 2 days until 2022! Crazy! (ꏿ﹏ꏿ;)
2021 was quite a year NGL...
I wouldn't say it was my worst year because it had amazing moments. But it was definitely the hardest.
Losing my grandma to COVID and the "disband" of my friend group, plus drama at my job and in my family, were tough times that made me grow as a person nevertheless. Those are still very sensitive topics for me, specially grandma and my friends, I'm still healing from all of this, but one way or another bad things come for our personal growth.
But this was also the year I started living all by my own. Coming from a super protective and repressive household, this was something really big for me and I'm extremely grateful for that.
In 2021 I became a full time gal, kind of last minute back in September. At the same time it was a big change in my lifestyle, it felt very easy and natural to switch. Accepting it was my path instead of fighting against it was easier than trying to have a lifestyle I can't maintain and wasn't making me as happy anymore, not to mention the mental damaging.
Shaving my brows sounds like something small, but was one hell of a drastic thing to do for me. I've always had super thick and dark brows to the point I didn't need any makeup in them, so the first weeks without any real brows was strange. Now I really cannot visualize myself letting them grow for the next few years.
I couldn't be more grateful for Salem, of course!
I've always dreamed of having a cat and he showed up at my window in the right time. I'm now seeing on moving to a better place for both of us. He's helping me become a better person too, as he forces me do to house chores lol (≧▽≦)
He's the most annoying cat in the world but also the loveliest. I can't live without him anymore, he's like my child!
I'm finishing 2021 as a better person than I was last year and I'm proud of myself for that. There is a long road ahead and I do feel tired sometimes, I make mistakes and I'm a trainwreck emotionally and psychologically, but I'm trying my best.
Learning to love myself and freeing from self- loathe were not easy tasks and I'm not there yet. I'll get there. Eventually. Ww
On the resolutions, I'm not setting the bar too high tbh, I think it's useless to make an endless list if you know damn well that you won't make all of it.
Basically, I only have three resolutions: have better control of my money, develop my emotional intelligence and find love.
I want to really know how to use and save my money this year. I think I've went out of control so many times in 2021 and I just cannot let things stay as they are. Not to mention that if I save money and have better control of it, I can buy brand stuff in a few months! So I'd rather wait some time than spending on cheap stuff.
This topic falls in my emotional intelligence too, as most times I go shopping as a coping mechanism and stress relief. My lack of emotional intelligence really costed me more than money and it's more than a resolution at this point. So I'll keep on doing my therapy sessions until I master this art!
Last but not least, I've been single for two years and... I'm over that now lol I really want to go out and hunt for some cute guys, and hopefully get in a relationship before 2023. I'm a serious relationship kind of gal, not very much into one night stands and all that jazz.
Other than that, I also have some gal goals as getting an Alba Rosa item and become better (used) at hair styling. Maybe this year I'll finally be able to get an issue of Ageha too lol it's the only magazine from the Holy Quartet ™️ (egg, Popteen, Ranzuki, 小悪魔ageha) I don't have, although it's my favorite.
NGL I'm excited but also a little bit scared of 2022????? It sounds nice though, with all of those 2's ww. In China it's the year of the tiger, which is my Chinese zodiac sign! (=^・ェ・^=) トラトラトラ~
I'll spend new year's eve at home this time, but I'm not complaining at all because I'm so tired I just wanna sleep (๑•﹏•)
I hope you have a GREAT 2022! May your dreams and plans come true!