Sunday, July 17, 2022


 Hello guys, gals and everyone else! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

I'm SOOOOO happy and proud of my look today!!!

As I only get to work by 2PM on Sundays, it's usually the only day where I have time to do fancier looks and a full face.

And my nose finally stopped running! (≧▽≦)

Before leaving home ~

I used a white glitter my friend gave me a while ago on my inner corners and I love how it looks! I'd wear it more often if I wasn't so lazy to use powdery glitter (*・~・*)

With glasses ~



BTS: Yet to Come in Cinemas!!

 It's almost 1AM for me and I'm super tired but I must blog about today!!! I went to the theaters for the screening of the BTS: Yet ...