Wednesday, November 10, 2021



Just FYI, I'm extra cute today! ( ◜‿◝ )♡

I overlined my black eyeliner with a pink MAC pencil. I've been wanting to try colored over-line more often since I've seen a few tutorials in one of my Popteen issues.

Colorful eyeliners are a lot of fun!!!

I got Salem his first collar!

I took the little stone off the bell so it wouldn't bother him with the sound.

He obviously is not really loving it as he never wore collars. But I'm pretty sure he'll get used to it, as I made sure it was a little loose.

Isn't it just CHO☆cute???

Seeing him all clean and cute makes me so happy ~アゲ⇗

I've been super super tired ( ̄ヘ ̄;)

Salem's energy peaks at 5AM, tiring Black Friday season, housework, college...

I feel like I'm dropping college soon. It's been really hard to make it a priority, considering how tired I get home after work and the little time I have.

Plus, the weather is cold again. It's almost mid-November, I DON'T KNOW what's going on (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)
*Narrator: "Little did she know that this planet is condemned to CLIMATE CHANGE!"

I wish I could skip to January already!!!

Christmas season is not as exciting if you're a salesperson!

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