Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Last week's looks + GETS

I wish I've done this post earlier, but I've been studying like crazy recently! ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

Anyways, I think I have might finally figured out how to do a more toned down version of my makeup for casual looks! I took a bit of inspiration from Satomin but with my own twist to it.


First attempt! I was very happy with it!


Second attempt with a lined droopy. Wasn't much of a fan of this one.


Third and final attempt with longer lowers! Also loved it.

I'm between the first and the last attempt but both turned out great! My eyes looked so fluttery 

Yesterday's look with an open eye and braided panda buns:

I loved it SO MUCH and also got a lot of cute compliments! And I sprinkled a little glitter all over the buns too!

Today's old school-inspired look:

I woke up late so I didn't have much time to put on lashes or worry about complex eyeshapes, so old school it was!

I took this selfie at Daiso (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦)

How do you like my new lilac scrunchie???

I went to C&A last Thursday because I gained weight and needed a new pair of jeans, but I also found the most Gyaru dress ever and for 50% off!

Please don't mind the SpongeBob socks lmao

Usually I'm not a fan of animal print but this dress was just so cute and a perfect blend of kyabajo, agejo and tsuyome!! 

I also got these adorable butterfly clips at Daiso, with the lilac scrunchie!

I'm kinda going through a butterfly boom rn  

I'll try to post more throughout the week!

1 comment:

  1. Haha same! The one day I do the perfect everyday eye make & the next I fail somehow T-T Gonna keep trying! Your old school look is great too.
