Sunday, December 26, 2021

Christmas recap!


Hello everyone...

*Faints after a failed attempt of waving*

This Christmas was insane. I worked nonstop and overtime for almost 14 days. I could barely hold myself still.

When the 24th arrived, it was like I just finished running a marathon. I worked until 6PM, went home and slept until 11PM. Then I woke up to have my Christmas' eve dinner with Salem!

This Christmas was very different and lonely compared to my previous ones because my grandma is not here for the first time, but not exactly bad or sad. I got some yummy stuff for dinner, which I had all by myself in my MA*RS dress, and got Salem some gifts too! I gave him this snake plushie (which he adored!) and a sakura-printed collar ( ◜‿◝ )♡

I was my own Santa this year too!

I've been dying to get the Hoola bronzer by Benefit and they always launch bundle sets for the holidays that are much cheaper than getting individual products, so I got one with three items + an exclusive tin box, including Hoola!

It wasn't less of a surprise just because I bought it myself! I didn't know about the tin box (and the cute paper)! (≧▽≦) When I got it at the Sephora website I thought it was one of those cardboard pullouts as we have at The Body Shop LMAOOO

The Estee Lauder mini was a freebie! It's a night eye cream for tired and dull skin around the eye area – came in the right time considering I have BAD dark circles now lol

On the 25th I went to my aunt's place because my mom came all the way from another state to see me. My brother is coming to Brazil but when we face-time'd him he was driving at the road because his flight was cancelled so he had to go from Georgia to Florida to get the only flight available (@_@;) Unfortunately I'll not be able to see him in person this year but he's bringing candy canes!

I did an old school inspired look... With jet black brows because my family doesn't know I shaved them lol so I let them grow for a few days and used a black brow pencil. Boy, I DO NOT recognize my face with dark brows anymore!

But I was happy with my look in overall!

You can see Hoola POPPIN' on my face (^3^♪Loved doing my nose contour with it!

I spent most of the day playing Animal Crossing tbh lol

Now I'm at work again ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽ but at least my day off is tomorrow! I can't wait for my vacations – literally!

I'm so tired I didn't even put on my lashes today wwwww

I'm too pretty for so much working (・ัω・ั)

I hope you had a merry Christmas!!!


  1. Gosh 14 days of working?! That sounds so tiring! I'm glad you were able to see your mum and your aunt though <33333 I really love the way you do your namida bukuro!

    1. Thank you!!!
      I'm super tired but I was just noticed that I'll be having four days off in January!
