Saturday, October 16, 2021

My fake nail shrank in a popcorn bag. You read it right.

Believe it or not. The following story is probably the weirdest happening of my gyaru life. 

I was hungry.

It was 12AM already so I wouldn't do a complicated dish or anything. Not to mention that I didn't go to work today because I have a crippling lower back pain. So I went for one of the microwave popcorn bags in my cabinet.

3 minutes later, I was trying to open the bag when one of my fake nails fell inside it. It was super hot. So, naturally, this happened:

My fake nail fucking shrank and curled up. Inside a popcorn bag.

I had one hell of a day being crippled on bed in pain and now my nail fucking shrank.

I'm going to sleep right now bro.

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