Monday, October 18, 2021

I tried doing my makeup in a rush + new Daiso lashes


There are days.
And there are also busy days... Lol

Usually, when I'm in a rush, I only put on some eyeshadow and mascara and call it a day. But today I attempted to create my gal look in the shortest amount of time I could.

But lemme tell you guys... I'm not really someone who can beat their face in a rush or at the train. While I've seen some gals who can do a full face in 15 minutes, I need at least an hour. If I'm lucky, I'm done in 40 minutes. 

This is the best I could do while waiting for my food and a little after I finished eating. It's not THAT bad, the eyeshape there, but the eyelashes are missing. And without lashes, I feel naked

I always have a pair of lashes in my galmergemcy kit... EXCEPT TODAY ⊙﹏⊙

Luckily, I work right in front of a Daiso store so I last minute got a pair. Instead of going for my favorite pair from there (seen in here), I thought it could be a good day for trying out a different lash and picked "B03 Straight". 

... I regret that wholeheartedly (• ▽ •;)
(I should had paid attention to the name. It said it all).

As you can see, they're as natural as they can get. I've tried everything, from pushing them outwards to using a lash curler. Maybe I could get away if I said this look is old old old school inspired (HELL NOT LMAO). 

Today we learned: if you're buying lashes cause you had left them at home, don't go for something new. Stick to the tradition.

I don't think they're a complete waste of money because these more natural looking lashes always come in hand for combinations.

Do I still regret buying them though? Obviously (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Either way...
I did my best and challenged myself, yet the whole look turned out pretty decent. So kudos for me anyways!!!!

I need a rest now. This day was tough!

✿ ♡ えいみーりん ♡ ✿


  1. Omggg you're so lucky that you have a Daiso! We don't have any stores like that in the UK ;; I have to make do with buying them from Aliexpress!

    1. Daiso seems a little bit bureaucratic when it comes to opening stores. Although you can find a bunch of their stores in São Paulo, they rarely open at a different city or state, and when it does, it's up to one or two stores.
      Brazil has a 100+ year alliance with Japan so it's probaly why we have so many in here, but they should expand to everywhere in the world!
